After eloping with a prostitute named Otoyo, Hishakaku takes refuge in the Kogane family’s turf. Indebted to Boss Kogane for his kindness, Hishakaku swears to dedicate himself to protect the Koganes in time of crisis. Hishakaku’s humble life comes to a sudden halt when the Kogane family becomes involved in a fatal feud with their rival, and Hishakaku’s services are called upon.
Life of Hishakaku (1963)
人生劇場 飛車角
1963 95 min
Country: Japan
Director: Tadashi Sawashima
Actors: Akikane SawaHideo MurataKenji UshioKôji TsurutaMichitarô MizushimaRin'ichi Yamamoto…Ryûnosuke TsukigataTatsuo UmemiyaYoshi KatôYoshiko Sakuma
Subtitle: English
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