The drama, based on a novel by Keiichiro Ryu, tells an alternative history in which the historical shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu is killed at the Battle of Sekigahara and his double Jirosaburo Serada becomes the ruler of the country instead.
Shadow Warrior Tokugawa Ieyasu (1998)
1998 45 mins
Now showing: Ep 010
Latest episode: Ep 010Ep 009Ep 008
Country: Japan
Director: Akinori MatsuoEiichi KudôIkuo SekimotoNaoki Uesugi
Actors: Fumie HosokawaHideki TakahashiKosuke SuzukiNagare HagiwaraNagisa KatahiraNoboru MitaniShôhei HinoTsurutarô KataokaUdanji Ichikawa
Genres: Drama
Subtitle: English
Movie plot
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