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Sign of the Jack

Sign of the Jack (1970)

ネオン警察 ジャックの刺青

83 min

Country: Japan

Director: Akane ShiratoriAkira KatoKazunari Takeda

Actors: Akira KobayashiAnnu MariEiji GôHajime MitamuraJunko NatsuKazuko MorimotoRikiya YasuokaSetsuko MinamiTomoko AkiYoshirô Aoki

Genres: Action, Crime

Subtitle: English

3.35/ 5 3 votes
Movie plot

Hanamura, widely known in gangland a professional trouble shooter has the sign of the Jack tattooed on his chest. His follower is his sworn partner Kurahara. They attempt to help the Towada-Gumi gang against its rival group the Kamioka-Gumi which is seeking the chance to conquer the Towada-Gumi in collusion with Noda, a big shot in the town operating a real estate firm.

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