Another home-video release shot on HD, this one is partly based on the Tomie manga “Revenge” by Junji Ito. This time around, Tomie is played by Anri Ban. The story revolves around a young female doctor (played by Hisako Shirata) and an unidentified naked woman who runs down the road one night. In the her search for the wounded girl (who has a mole under her left eye), the doctor ends up in an abandoned house filled with bodies, madmen, and an unconscious girl. Surely Tomie is not too far away…
Tomie: Revenge (2005)
2005 72 min
Country: Japan
Director: Ataru Oikawa
Actors: Anri BanDaisuke HondaHideo NakaizumiHisako ShirataHitoshi KatoItsuko SuzukiKyusaku ShimadaMinamiShoji ShibuyaTakashi Imada
Genres: Horror
Subtitle: English
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