The story is centered around the devastating experiences of two villagers, Osaki Shuichi, and his cousin, Nishimiura Kinue, when they leave their hometown for the metropolis of Tokyo. They are in love with each other, but Kinue is expected to marry the lawyer Kanda Seiji. In consequence, Shukichi leaves for Tokyo, where he becomes tutor to the son of the rick Iwaki family. The heartbroken Kinue also makes her way to the capital, where she becomes a bar hostess.
Eclipse (1934)
1934 97 min
Country: Japan
Director: Hiroshi Shimizu
Actors: Akio NomuraHideo FujinoHiroko KawasakiIsamu YamaguchiMichiko KuwanoMitsugu FujiiRyôko HisaharaShigeru OguraShirô KanemitsuYoshiko Tsubouchi
Genres: Drama
Subtitle: English
Low Quality
Movie plot
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