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Mitsumei: Kangetsu Kasumigiri | Sozaburo Kanasugi is a samurai in the Kyushu countryside. After accepting a secret mission from his daimyo, he leaves his clan and travels alone to Edo to accomplish his task.

Episodes name:

1 : Leaving the Clan, Part 1 of 2

2: Leaving the Clan, Part 2 of 2

3: Behind the Scenes Plotting

4: Swordsman

5: Determination

6: Target

7: Resolve

8: Dragon and Tiger, Part 1 of 2

9: Dragon and Tiger, Part 2 of 2

Server VIP 2
  • Ep 001
  • Ep 002
  • Ep 003
  • Ep 004
  • Ep 005
  • Ep 006
  • Ep 007
  • Ep 008
  • Ep 009
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