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Ex-sword teacher Ihei Misawa is a skilled swordsman but because of his kind and judicious heart, he never fails to get caught up in trouble and therefore is unable to obtain status and success. But his wife Tayo understands him and loves him completely, always remaining by his side.

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  • Ep 001
  • Ep 002
  • Ep 003
  • Ep 004
  • Ep 005
  • Ep 006
  • Ep 007
  • Ep 008
  • Ep 009
  • Ep 010
  • Ep 011
  • Ep 012
  • Ep 013
  • Ep 014
  • Ep 015
  • Ep 016
  • Ep 017
  • Ep 018
  • Ep 019
  • Ep 020
  • Ep 021
  • Ep 022
  • Ep 023
  • Ep 024
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