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Samurai Reincarnation Trailer

Samurai Reincarnation (1981)


122 min

Country: Japan

Director: Kinji Fukasaku

Actors: Ai KanzakiAkiko KanaHideo Murota…Hiroshi InuzukaHiroyuki SanadaKenji SawadaMikio NaritaNaoko KuboNoboru MatsuhashiShin'ichi Chiba

Genres: Action, Fantasy, Horror

Subtitle: English

4.38/ 5 4 votes

02062023: update HD quality

Movie plot

After surviving the slaughter of many Christians 350 years ago, a samurai denounces God for ignoring the pleas of believers. He sells his soul to Satan and receives the power to resurrect the dead to join him in a murderous rampage.

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