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A Samurai’s Sorrow | A Japanese period drama broadcast in prime-time in 1984, based on Goseki Kojima and Kazuo Koike ‘s manga of the same title.

Kainage Mondo is a secret child of Tokugawa Yoshimune and skilled swordsman. His job is a part to test food for poison for Yoshimune. He was on a journey but he goes to Edo to see Yoshimune.

The Owari han have longed for the post of shogun and try to murder Yoshimune, in order to get shogun’s post. Fuki is a kunoichi of Kōka. She tries to murder Yoshimue but she comes to like Mondo and eventually starts working for Mondo and Yoshimune. Mondo protects Yoshimune’s life from Owari han and other enemies.

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