A-Z list

Movie by Actor: Hôsei Komatsu

Title Year
Naked Ambition
Band of Ninja
Hoodlum Soldier on the Attack
The Revelation of a Geisha
Ninja’s Mark
Madam Scandal: Let Me Die for 10 Seconds
Never in the Morning!
Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 3
Priest of Darkness ,
Female Prisoner Scorpion: Jailhouse 41
The Far Road
The Sea of Genkai
The Beast Shall Die
The Ceremony
Eighteen Years in Prison
Choji Snack Bar
Nomugi Pass
Captive’s Island
Troops of Darkness
Time Within Memory
Adults Games
Wet Lust: Opening the Tulip
Brave Red Flower of the North
The Rapacious Jailbreaker
Kidnapping Blues
Village of Dreams
Ohyaku: The Female Demon
Without Complaint
Seven Gamblers
Dragon Princess
Temptation of Eros
The Days of No Return
Red Paper Lantern
Tattooed Life
Lefty Fencer
Rape and Death of a Housewife
City of Beasts
Wicked Priest 2: Ballad of Murder
Red Peony Gambler: Second Generation Ceremony
Hoodlum Priest
Diary of Yunbogi
The Forgotten Imperial Army
Death by Hanging
Dear Summer Sister
Silence Has No Wings
Cops vs. Thugs
Three Resurrected Drunkards
Violence at Noon
Bloodstained Clan Of Honor
Yakuza on Foot
Three Gamblers
Farewell to the Ark
Double Suicide
The Life of Chikuzan
Okita Soji
Minbo: the Gentle Art of Japanese Extortion
Japanese Summer: Double Suicide
Postwar Secrets
Shimane Prison Riot
Code Between Brothers 2
Judo vs. Karate
Wicked Priest
The Man Without a Map
Hoodlum Soldier
Hanzo the Razor: The Snare
Zatoichi and the Fugitives