A-Z list

Movie by Actor: Ken Ogata

Title Year
Prince Shotoku
A Hardest Night!!
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
Man Walking on Snow
Film Noir
The House of Wooden Blocks
The Last Samurai
A Long Walk
Garden of the Wind
The Phantom Thief Nezumi Kozo and the Tattooed Judge
The Catch
Granny Gabai
Shogun’s Shadow
Gonin 2
The Castle of Sand
The Samurai I Loved
Tokugawa Ieyasu – TBS Warlord Special
House on Fire
The Ballad of Narayama 2
Mouri Motonari
Five Women
Zatoichi: Darkness Is His Ally
The Demon
Why Not?
Edo Porn
Shadow Warriors: Hattori Hanzo
Love and Honor
Vengeance Is Mine
The Geisha
The Sex Check
A Chaos of Flowers
Rainbow Kids
Samurai Banners